How to Refund NOL Card? Follow Step-by-Step Guide

How to Refund NOL Card? Follow Step-by-Step Guide
NOL Card refund

Refund NOL Card balance is considered one of the most important services provided by the Roads and Transport Authority in Dubai in the event of the card being lost or stolen. The Authority also provides, through its website, the possibility of recovering the balance in the event of paying an excessive tariff.

How to refund NOL Card balance online

To refund NOL Card balance, here’s how you can do it: [1]

  • Step 1: Go to the remaining balance on Nol cards page on the Roads and Transport Authority website “from here“.
  • Step 2: Enter the card number in the field designated for that.
  • Step 3: Enter the mobile phone number in the box provided for it.
  • Step 4: Click on the box next to “I am not a robot.”
  • Step 5: Click on the Next icon.

How to refund NOL Card balance online

  • Step 6: Select the type of refund, cash or refund the balance to another Nol card.
  • Step 7: Verify all data entered.
  • Step 8: Submit data.
  • Step 9: The customer will be notified via text message to his mobile phone of the success of the redemption process upon its completion.

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Steps to refund NOL Card via NOL Pay App

To refund NOL Card via NOL pay App, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Download the NolPay application on your mobile phone through one of the following links:
    • Download the application for Android devices “from here“.
    • Download the application for iPhone devices “from here“.
    • Download the application for Huawei devices “from here“.
  • Step 2: Create a new account and log in to the application.
  • Step 3: From the list of services, choose the Nol card balance recovery service.
  • Step 4: Enter all required data.
  • Step 5: Review and confirm the information, then click on the submit button.
  • The application will be studied and approved within a maximum working period of four days.

Refund NOL Card link

In the event that a Nol card is lost or stolen, you can log in through the link and enter the data related to the card and its holder in the fields designated for it, then review, verify, and send it. It is worth noting that all refund requests are approved within a maximum working period of 4 days, while requesting a refund of the excess tariff requires a working period ranging between 3 to 7 days.


Through its website and its official applications, the Roads and Transport Authority offers a wide range of services, such as redeeming the Nol card balance, recharging the card, and obtaining discounts for certain categories of customers, which will facilitate the use of the Nol card and manage its tasks, making transportation in the crowded streets of Dubai very easy and convenient. Ultimate comfort.

Questions & Answers

When is the Nol card balance refunded in cash?

When the amount to be recovered is less than one hundred UAE dirhams, then the refund is made in cash.

Can someone else use my nol card?

No, no one else can use the personal Nol card other than its holder, as it is intended for individual personal use.

Can I use my nol card at Carrefour?

Yes, the Nol card can be used in Carrefour.

Which nol card is best for tourists in Dubai?

The best Nol card for tourists is the Nol Red Card if they want to stay for a short period in Dubai.

Can I add my nol card to my phone?

Yes, a Nol card can be added and digitized on a smartphone if the card is silver or gold.

Are refund requests accepted?

Yes, all refund requests are accepted within a maximum working period of four days.

What documents are required to submit a refund request?

The customer's Nol card number and a valid mobile phone number are only required to submit a Nol card balance refund request.

What are the types of Nol cards?

There are four types of Nol card Silver, gold, red and blue.

How do I get a refund from my nol card?

Money can be recovered from the Nol Card through the Roads and Transport Authority website and through the Nol Pay application.

Can I transfer my nol card balance?

Yes, the balance can be transferred from one Nol card to another by contacting the RTA customer service team.

What is the minimum balance on the Nol card?

The minimum balance on the Gold, Silver and Blue Nol Card is 7.5 AED, while the minimum balance on the Nol Red Card is one single trip.

What is the maximum balance limit for Nol Card?

The maximum balance limit for the Nol Card is 1,000 AED for unregistered cards and 5,000 AED for registered cards.

How long is the Nol card valid for?

The validity period of the blue, silver or gold Nol card is five years, while the validity period of the red Nol card is 90 days.

Is it possible to shop using a Nol card?

Yes, you can shop using a Nol card in more than 2,000 stores in Dubai.

What is the price of the Nol Red Card?

The price of the Nol Red Card is two UAE dirhams.


[1] Refund nol Cards Balance30 Dec 2024